Today we were on the road as soon as the sun was up. We knew it was going to be a tough ride and we were headed to Virginia Tech where a few guys on the team go to school so they did not want to have to get racked because of time. I rode with Hayden and Randy and we were the second to last pace line out on the road in the morning. The 3 VT guys led the pack all day, TJ, Sam and Evan and were really moving, they had a lot of motivation to get there. I was going to see how far I could get still trying to do the big ring challenge but as soon as we left lodging we started climbing hills and I could feel how tired my legs were from the last 4 days of the big ring so I switched down to my little one 4 miles in. The first 50 miles of the ride were absolutely incredible, it definitely has jumped to the top of the list of my favorite rides this summer. It was the same as the last half of the ride yesterday but even better, still had some really long challenging climbs and curvy roads through the Appalachians but we also had some of the most fun downhill sections we have ever seen. The first really fun one was toward the beginning of the ride, we get to the top of a climb and see our favorite downhill warning sign and below the sign it says “8% grade, 1 mile” it was a steep slightly curvy downhill and we got up to 44 mph. The second one was even better, we had a long climb that was really steep and as we get to the top we see the same sign but it was 4.5 miles downhill and the same grade. That ride was absolutely crazy, sharp switchbacks with banked roads and a couple hairpin turns, we couldn’t get up passed about 35 on the strait sections because we had to slow way down for most of the corners but leaning into the turns and screaming down the straits through thick forest and mountains was incredible, I wish I could ride those roads all the time. Afer 50 miles we get to a small town and turn onto a highway that we were supposed to ride on for 30 miles but my pace line and the lead one got to 20 miles in when our crew chief saw a sign that said bicycles were prohibited on the highway, for some reason that was not noted in their directions. We all racked on the highway and were driven to stage up because it was only a couple miles past the end of the highway. Our Arrival was pretty fun, we rode into campus and did a loop around the drill field and took a picture in front of some building on campus the VT guys told us we should. After that we rode through the campus walkways to the dorms we are staying at where the VT chapter guys were waiting for us and had a barbecue set up for us to grill and hang out. They were all really cool guys and we met the IFC representative.
After showers I went with some guys to a bike shop and campus bookstore just to explore VT a little, they have an amazing campus it is so pretty. Our dinner was at a place just off campus that we walked the place, The Cellar, and was sponsored by the family of a Pi Alpha who rode in 2011. They were so excited for us because of how close we are to the end and told us about how crazy and emotional arrival is. They said even if you don’t expect to get emotional about it, most guys do. I have heard the same from other Pi Alphas too, I have no idea what to expect or how I will react.
Once we got back we changed and all the over 21 year olds went to go meet up with some VT guys to hang out at one of their houses and walk to downtown. They go to this place called TOTS, Top of The Stairs, a lot and Sam and TJ turned 21 on the ride so they really wanted to go there. It was a very cool bar with an awesome balcony and dance floor and then downstairs in the back a cool area to hang out in where we were all night meeting the brothers and a few of their Rose Buds that came out and their Rose Queen. One of their Rose Buds actually has a brother going to ASU next year so I gave her my contact info to give to him in case he decides to rush. It was cool hanging out at a college bar with kids our age, we all had a good time, Evan bought everyone on the team that came a drink called a rail and we had a blast. When I got back I hung out with Evan and his friend in our room and talked for a while until we finally had to pass out.
Tomorrow is only 35 miles through the same kind of scenery and terrain which will be fun but too add to it, we are playing rack man. Hayden, Cam and I are going to be sweeps, we are a few of the strongest cyclists on the team and the way the game works is the pace lines get released like usual except the slowest first and fastest last. After the last pace line leaves us sweeps wait to leave and then chase after everyone else. If we pass a pace line then that pace line gets racked the rest of the ride. Our agreement made it a little more interesting though. The team decided that we would have to fill our water bottles with milk and finish the milk before we get to lodging but we got to leave 8 minutes after the last pace line, and if we let 2 or more pace lines make it to lodging without getting racked then we would have to do the gallon challenge where you try to drink a gallon of milk. I am super excited, it will be a super fun competition and I can’t wait to ride as hard as I can for 35 miles, I am really hoping we don’t have to do the gallon challenge though and I think it is possible to get them all or maybe just let one go.
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